
Need A Drain Cleaning Service? Danger Of Neglecting Your Drains | Helotes, TX

Need A Drain Cleaning Service? Danger Of Neglecting Your Drains | Helotes, TX

Photo By elenabs at istock

Your drains are an integral section of your home’s plumbing system. They help with ensuring that your wastewater is quickly and efficiently drained out. Without them, it is hard to imagine how you would manage your wastewater. However, for your drains to work optimally, they need to be subjected to routine maintenance. For instance, you need to work with a professional drain cleaning service provider to ensure that your drains are cleaned at least once per year. But a lot of people neglect their drainage systems and only think of calling professional plumbers when there are serious drainage problems, such as drain clogs and leaks.

Given the importance of your drains, most drain problems have to be addressed urgently. Unfortunately, emergency plumbing services are quite expensive, and therefore, it makes sense to ensure that your drains are cleaned by a professional drain cleaning regularly to minimize the need for emergency plumbing repairs. Below are some dangers associated with neglected drains.

Health Deterioration

You and your family spend many hours at your Helotes, TX home every day. Therefore, if you want to keep your family healthy, you need to maintain high hygiene standards in your house. One way of doing this is to ensure that the wastewater from your home is quickly drained out to join the public sewer or a septic tank somewhere outside your house. If there is a significant delay in discharging wastewater from your house, the wastewater might expose your family to disease-causing pathogens. For instance, dirty drains play host to a variety of drain pests and microorganisms that can potentially make your family ill if they find their way to your house. To prevent such an eventuality, you need to work with a professional drain cleaning service provider to ensure that your drains are cleaned regularly to make it difficult for pathogens to thrive in your house,

Foul Smell

As mentioned above, dirty drains can encourage the growth of microorganisms, such as bacteria. Unfortunately, as bacteria break down the organic waste in your wastewater, they can produce a foul smell that will gradually find its way into your kitchen and even your living room. A lot of people respond to this by applying air fresheners and keeping their windows open. However, the truth is that no matter what you do, the foul odor will not go away until you address its source. The only way to eliminate the unpleasant odor decisively is to keep your drains clean. Routine drain cleaning services will ensure that the wastewater is always flowing out quickly, which will significantly reduce bacterial activity in your drains and consequently eliminate foul odors from your Helotes, TX home.

Property Damages

Neglecting your drains has the potential to lead to extensive property damages. For example, if you keep your drains dirty, it will be more likely for them to develop leaks. If some of the leaks happen to occur in your slab foundation, they can weaken the ground on which your home stands and consequently cause your slab foundation to shift and crack. The shifting slab foundation can then cause the walls of your home to crack and crumble. In a nutshell, if your drains are neglected, they will end up costing you your home or force you to pay for expensive property repairs. Therefore, for you to protect your house and save money, it is imperative for you to work with a professional drain cleaning service provider to ensure that your drains are always working optimally.

Emergency Plumbing Issues

A lot of things go down the drains, and if you are not careful, they can end up clogging your drains. Clogged drains can pose a number of problems. For instance, when your drains are clogged, they can cause your sinks to overflow and your bathroom to get flooded. Furthermore, drain clogs can put your plumbing system under intense pressure, which can cause your drain pipes to burst. In a nutshell, dirty drains are likely to lead to serious plumbing issues that must be addressed urgently. Unfortunately, emergency plumbing situations, such as burst pipes and drain clogs, can cause serious inconveniences in your house and force you to pay more for repairs. To prevent such an eventuality, it is imperative for you to ensure that your drains are well maintained by a professional drain cleaning services provider, such as bluefrog Plumbing + Drain of San Antonio.

Reduced Plumbing Lifespan

Your plumbing system is quite durable. Depending on its quality, it can last between 60 and 100 years. However, the durability of your plumbing system will also depend on how well it is maintained. If you neglect your drains and fail to seek routine drain cleaning services, your pipes will become more exposed to corrosive elements that will quickly corrode them and consequently reduce their lifespan. Unfortunately, this means that you might be forced to replace your plumbing system sooner than expected. To prevent such an eventuality, it is imperative for you to subject your drains to a regular drain cleaning service. By doing this, you will ensure that any corrosive elements in your wastewater are quickly flushed out before they can start taking a toll on your plumbing system.

The Bottom Line

Overall, it is apparent that neglecting your drains can have serious ramifications. For instance, it can negatively affect the structural integrity of your home and even make your home unhealthy for you and your family. Neglected drains also force you to make frequent calls to your emergency plumbing services provider and even make it necessary for you to replace your plumbing system sooner than expected. If you are looking for a reliable plumber providing professional drain cleaning services in or around Helotes, TX, bluefrog Plumbing + Drain of San Antonio is an excellent plumbing contractor to consider. We have been providing drain cleaning services for many years, and we are a household name in our community. Feel free to contact bluefrog Plumbing + Drain of San Antonio for more information about our company and services.

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