
How to Eliminate Hard Water From Your San Antonio Home

Countless households throughout the country have trouble with hard water. It is a common issue that does not just disappear overnight, though. Many homeowners and renters in high-sediment areas are tired of dealing with hard water, which occurs when prominent levels of dissolved minerals are found within the drinking supply. As the water evaporates, the mineral deposits are left on the surface. These deposits are known as hard water stains and are troublesome on fixtures and pipes. To alleviate this issue, consider installing a water softener.

Home Remedies

Yes, there are home remedies available to treat hard water. Most of the hard water is calcium, an earth metal that is highly reactive to acids such as vinegar. If you have small fixtures covered in the mineral buildup, place them into a small bowl of hot vinegar to dissolve the calcium deposit. This trick requires about an hour to complete, and only works for smaller fixtures.

Another home remedy for white film or spot troubles on your appliances is to use distilled vinegar. The distilled vinegar will kill off mold, bacteria, and germs, all while cleaning dishware during regular wash cycles. This is especially helpful for dishwashing machines.

Professional Hard Water Removal

If home remedies do not work, and many do not, you may wish to speak with a professional instead. An expert plumber who is well versed in water softeners and hard water problems can provide you with solutions.

Water softeners have numerous benefits, including:

  • Cleaner dishes
  • Softer skin and smoother hair
  • Reduced soap scum
  • Softer clothing
  • Longer lifespan of appliances
  • Lower energy costs

The benefits speak for themselves.

Contact Us

If you’re tired of hard water, contact bluefrog Plumbing + Drain of San Antonio by calling 210-876-1629. We can help you take steps to reduce mineral buildup in your water supply. Everyone deserves clean, refreshing water!

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