Damage To The Environment That Could Be Solved With Drain Cleaning Service | Boerne, TX
Drain cleaning is often a critical but overlooked part of home maintenance. Out of sight, out of mind, right? Unfortunately, the negative consequences of a lack of drain cleaning are far-reaching and damaging – not just to your home but also to the environment. This article will explore how the lack of drain cleaning services contributes to environmental damage.
One of the most direct ways that lack of drain cleaning hurts the environment is through water pollution. When storm drains, and sewage systems become clogged, it can cause overflows. This, in turn, leads to contaminated water being released into natural waterways, including wells, rivers, and lakes. This can introduce harmful bacteria and other contaminants into people’s drinking, cooking, and bathing water.
In addition, this can also harm plant and animal life that rely on these water sources. Therefore, if you want to preserve the environment, it is important to keep your drains clean. You should hire drain cleaning services in Boerne, TX, routinely to ensure that your drains are not contributing to water pollution.
Erosion and Flooding
Flooding and erosion are some of the most common and damaging types of environmental degradation. Did you know that your drains play a role in this? When drains are not properly maintained, it can lead to flooding. This is because the drains cannot handle the amount of water that comes through, especially during a heavy rainstorm.
As a result, the water spills onto streets, parking lots, and other areas. This can cause serious damage to property and lead to soil erosion. In addition, if the flooding is severe enough, it can even lead to loss of life. Therefore, to play your part in preventing environmental damage, you should hire a drain cleaning services company to keep your drains clear and functioning properly.
Soil Contamination
The water drains transported from our homes to treatment facilities contain chemicals from your cleaning products, detergents, soaps, and waste. That is why the water is cleaned before being released into the environment. However, if the drains are not properly cleaned, it can lead to build-up that will eventually cause the drain to overflow. When this happens, the contaminated water can seep into the ground and contaminate the soil. When this contaminated water gets into the soil, it can make the land unusable for farming or other purposes. This may explain why your lawn is not as green as it used to be despite all your efforts. Therefore, to protect the environment and keep our soil clean, it is important to have drain cleaning services performed regularly.
Air Pollution
When most people think of air pollution, they think of smog and factories belching out smoke. However, did you know that your drains can also contribute to air pollution? When you neglect to clean your drains, it can lead to sewer gas backup. This is when methane and other harmful gasses escape from the sewers and into the air. These gasses not only smell bad but can also be dangerous to your health. Inhaling too much of these gasses can cause headaches, nausea, dizziness, and even death. Therefore, it is important to have drain cleaning services performed to prevent sewer gas backup and protect the air we breathe.
Wastes Water
Another way that neglecting to have your drains cleaned can harm the environment is by wasting water. When drains are not properly maintained, they can become clogged with debris. Therefore, you will be using more water to flush the same amount of waste down the drain. This is not only a waste of water, but it also increases your water bill. In addition, all that extra water you are using can strain local water treatment facilities. Therefore, it is important to hire drain cleaning services in Boerne, TX, to keep your drains clear and help protect the environment.
Pest Infestation
Pests are a major problem for homeowners, businesses, and agriculture. They cost billions of dollars in damage each year and can spread disease. There are many ways to control pests, but the most effective method is to prevent them from entering your home or business in the first place. One way to do this is to keep your drains clean. Clogged drains provide a breeding ground for pests, and the standing water can attract them from outside. Therefore, by regularly performing drain cleaning services, you can help prevent pests from infesting your home or business. You will reduce the need for pesticides and save money on pest control.
Destruction of Wildlife Habitat
In many cases, habitat destruction is caused by human activities, such as logging, mining, and urbanization. However, one of the little-known ways that humans can damage natural habitats is by neglecting to have their drains cleaned. When drains are not properly maintained, they can become clogged with sediment and debris. Therefore, instead of directing wastewater to treatment facilities, the water flows into natural habitats such as rivers, causing pollution and destruction. To help preserve our natural heritage, it is important to have drain cleaning services performed regularly.
Play Your Role
Each year, improper drain cleaning practices lead to billions of gallons of sewage and stormwater being released into the environment. This contamination can have a devastating impact on local ecosystems, polluting waterways and harming wildlife. In addition, it can also pose a serious health risk to humans, as contaminated water can contain harmful bacteria and viruses. Therefore, it is important to play your role in protecting the environment by having drain cleaning services performed regularly. Not only will this help preserve our natural resources, but it will also ensure that your family stays safe and healthy.
If you are a Boerne, TX resident or the surrounding area, contact bluefrog Plumbing + Drain of San Antonio for all your drain cleaning needs. We are here to help you protect the environment and keep your family safe. Give us a call today for a service appointment!